CrossFit SY1

CrossFit Ab Mat

CrossFit SY1
What Is CrossFit
CrossFit is a fitness program suitable for all ages and abilities. Whether you're a beginner or an athlete the workouts are designed with universal scale-ability making it ideal for anybody looking to improve their overall fitness.
The main focus of the beginner sessions is to teach you the fundamental movements of CrossFit. However, we also aim to teach you the fundamental principles of how to build strength and increase work capacity with good form, and how to scale movements to ensure you get the right intensity to achieve the goal of the workout.
CrossFit Community

The CrossFit community is unique, everyone knows one another, there is always someone to offer support and help with technique. At CrossFit SY1 you know names, life stories … you know the people. This doesn’t happen in regular gyms, no one speaks to one another except to occasional ask “are you using this?” Try a session, meet some like minded people.